Pupil Services – Lakeside Union School District

Pupil Services


Dr. Natalie Winspear, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services (619)390-2600 (x2620)

Special Education

Special Education Department Phone: (619) 390-2600 (x2620)
Fax: (619) 390-2597

Dr. Danielle Clark, Director of Special Education

Janettte Ridgels, Special Education Program Specialist

Alejandra Garcia, Special Education Program Specialist

Danielle Stein, Admin Support Specialist
(619)390-2600 (x2620)

Stephanie Jansen, Admin Assistant
(619) 390-2600 (x2621)

Procedural Safeguards

East County Special Education Local Plan

Restraint and Seclusion

Restraint and Seclusion Data

Student Support Services

Student Support Services Department Phone (619)390-2600 x2766

LUSD Community Liaisons support parent engagement serving Title One schools to ensure that families are connected to school activities and have the support they need to communicate effectively with school staff.

Dr. Patricia Fernandez, Director, Student Support

Brittney Bigelow, Student Support Assistant 
(619)390-2600 x2766

Mirna Bernal, Community Liaison
 (619)390-2600, Text (760) 627-9769

Reneé Myers, Community Liaison
(619)390-2600 x2575, Text (760)676-2726

Marieann ibarguen-Saldana, Community Liaison
(619)390-2600 x2060, Text (619) 927-5888

MTSS TOSA (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support)

Sasha Barmaki, MTSS Teacher on Special Assignment
Emily Okerlund, MTSS Teacher on Special Assignment
Carrie Suggett, MTSS Teacher on Special Assignment
Suzy Smith, MTSS Teacher on Special Assignment

School Counselors

Nickie Corley, Tierra del Sol Middle School
Sarah Carter, Lakeside Middle School
Erika Garcia, Lindo Park Elementary
Josephine Sardina, Lakeview Elementary
Samantha Wooster, Riverview International Academy (including Wintergardens)
Kelcy Sutton, Lemon Crest Elementary
Caroline Winter, Lakeside Farms Elementary

Access to Student Mental Health Resources

The parent or legal guardian of any pupil can access mental health services by contacting their School Counselor or Principal. School-site Counselors or School Principals, with the consent of the parent or legal guardian, can determine whether a student’s mental health services can be supported at the school-site or via an outside referral.

Lakeside Union School District Mental Health Resources Brochure

SDCOE Parent Guide to Mental Health and Wellness

Student Wellness

Lakeside Union School District offers a comprehensive school-based counseling approach for all students. Please feel free to contact your child’s school for access to  school counseling services. 

Dangers of Synthetic Drugs

Resources and Information

Virtual Wellness Center
Information Every Parent Needs to Know
Eating/Nutrition Resources
Healthy Eating Guides and Nutrition

Families Experiencing Hardship

At times, students’ families may experience housing emergencies or crises. Support is available for students whose families are experiencing a housing crisis and lack fixed, regular and adequate overnight accommodations.

Please contact the School Counselor or Community Liaison at your child’s school for information regarding support available for your child.

If your child is not in school, or if you have any questions about the McKinney-Vento Services and crisis intervention, you may contact Lakeside Union School District’s Director Student Support Services, Dr. Patricia Fernandez, at (619) 390-2600.

Students experiencing homelessness have the right to access the same free, appropriate public education, including public preschools, as provided to other children and youth. For additional information and resources, please visit the California Department of Education’s Homeless Education webpage.

Lakeside Union School District strives to meet the unique social-emotional and educational needs of foster youth and those in transition and/or experiencing homelessness by working collaboratively with students, caregivers, schools, placing agencies, and other related agencies to meet educational rights and protections per the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. 

The term homeless children and youth means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This definition also includes:

  • Children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason
  • Children who may be living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or shelters.
  • Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings
  • Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings, or
  • Migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are children who are living in similar circumstances listed above 

Suicide Prevention

Lakeside Union School District is committed to supporting youth in distress, providing prevention and crisis resources. 

LUSD Board Policy 5141.52 Suicide Prevention

LUSD Regulation 5142.52 Suicide Prevention

Resources and Information

Preventing Youth Suicide: Tips for Parents and Educators

If You or Someone You Know is Thinking about Suicide

Suicide Prevention: A Resource for Parents

Health Services

Denise Beals, District Nurse (619) 390-2600 x2623

Michelle McCurdy, District Nurse (619) 390-2600 x2622

Student Health Forms

Immunization Information

Shots for Schools 

Title IX

The Lakeside Union School District is an equal opportunity employer and educational program and prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital or parental status or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact Executive Student Support Services Director, Dr. Patricia Fernandez at pfernandez@lsusd.net

Bullying Policy

Igniting Passion in Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities!

  • Our Schools are Dedicated to Teaching Students to be Involved, Active Learners who Think Critically, Learn Continuously, Collaborate Constructively, Communicate Effectively, Persevere Relentlessly and Care Deeply
  • Passionate, Knowledgeable, Skillful Teachers, Supported by Strong Site Leaders, are the Core Strength of our School District
  • We Expect our Faculty, Staff and Site Leaders to Provide Engaging, Challenging, and Relevant Learning Experiences for All Students
  • We are Committed to Acknowledging and Celebrating the Diversity within our Community while Affirming the Importance of our Common Humanity
  • We Believe that Powerful, Relevant Goals and Clear Action Plans Guide Progress Over Time, and We Commit to Setting Goals, Monitoring Progress and Sharing Results
  • Our Foreign Language Immersion Programs are Designed to Enrich the Education of Native-English-Speaking Students by Teaching Them all of their Academic Subjects in a Second Language

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