Educational Services – Lakeside Union School District

Educational Services

The Educational Services Department supervises and plans all aspects of the curriculum, instruction, and student services for all LUSD elementary (K-5) and middle (6-8) schools. It is responsible for supervising the implementation of rigorous instruction in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, History-Social Studies, Physical Education, the Arts and world languages through immersion and enrichment. As a part of this responsibility, the assistant superintendent supports the integration of technology/digital literacy in all classrooms and assists administrators and other district staff in their pursuit of technological competence and efficacy in the 21st century.


Dr. Natalie Winspear, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services

Lauren Pagel, Executive Administrative Assistant (619) 390-2600 x2608 

Beverly Jimenez, Coordinator, Educational Services (619) 390-2600 x2648

Michelle Perkins, Coordinator, Educational Services (619) 390-2600 x2649

Stephanie Jacques, Instructional Coach, Educational Technology (619) 390-2600 x2647

Heather Griffiths, District-Wide Intervention TOSA (619)390-2600 x2647

Sasha Elbaz, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support TOSA (619) 390-2600

Carrie Suggett, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support TOSA (619) 390-2600

Suzanne Smith, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support TOSA (619) 390-2600

Emily Okerlund, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support TOSA  (619) 390-2600

Leilani Cota, Data Specialist (619) 390-2600 x2651 

Kelly Morton, Administrative Support Specialist (619) 390-2601


The Lakeside Union Assessment Team coordinates the dissemination and administration of the State-Mandated Assessment.

The Assessment Team also supports schools in the collection, analysis and reporting of student academic data, professional development, and program evaluation.

English Learners

The Educational Services Department coordinates EL identification, assessment, program placement, and support.

Uniform Complaint Procedures and Williams Settlement Complaint Procedures

Igniting Passion in Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities!

  • Our Schools are Dedicated to Teaching Students to be Involved, Active Learners who Think Critically, Learn Continuously, Collaborate Constructively, Communicate Effectively, Persevere Relentlessly and Care Deeply
  • Passionate, Knowledgeable, Skillful Teachers, Supported by Strong Site Leaders, are the Core Strength of our School District
  • We Expect our Faculty, Staff and Site Leaders to Provide Engaging, Challenging, and Relevant Learning Experiences for All Students
  • We are Committed to Acknowledging and Celebrating the Diversity within our Community while Affirming the Importance of our Common Humanity
  • We Believe that Powerful, Relevant Goals and Clear Action Plans Guide Progress Over Time, and We Commit to Setting Goals, Monitoring Progress and Sharing Results
  • Our Foreign Language Immersion Programs are Designed to Enrich the Education of Native-English-Speaking Students by Teaching Them all of their Academic Subjects in a Second Language

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