By-Trustee-Area Elections & the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) – Lakeside Union School District

By-Trustee-Area Elections & the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA)


On September 14, 2023, the Board of Trustees approved a resolution to begin the process of transitioning to “by-trustee area” elections. This change is being made in furtherance of the purposes of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA). 

LUSD Board members were previously elected in “at-large” elections where each member was elected by voters throughout the District. The CVRA disfavors this method and provides safe harbor to districts that shift to “by-trustee area” elections. Under the “by-trustee area” system, board members are elected by voters in geographical subdivisions of the District.

The District held two pre-map meetings were the criteria and process were discussed prior to the draft maps being created. Next, the demographer for the District proposed options and voting area scenarios.

Based on applicable California law, the criteria for creating the trustee-area maps includes the following in order of priority:

  1. Geographically Contiguous
  2. Respecting Local Neighborhoods/ Communities of Interest
  3. City/Census Designated Places
  4. Bounded by Natural/Artificial Boundaries
  5. Geographical Compactness

Below was the process of events:

September 14, 2023Board adopted resolution to initiate transition to By-Trustee Area elections
December 4, 2023Special Board Meeting: Second Pre-Map Public Hearing and Presentation
January 18, 2024Board Meeting: First Public Hearing on Voting Area Scenarios
February 15, 2024Board Meeting: Second Public Hearing on Voting Area Scenarios
February 29, 2024Special Board Meeting: Final Public Hearing on Voting Area Scenarios
Board Selection of Voting Area Map
Board Consideration of Change in Election Method
March 28, 2024County Committee on School District Organization Held a Public Hearing and Considers Trustee Area Map. Cooperative Strategies sends Final Voting Area Map to the County of Registrar of Voters
November 8, 2024First Election Held Utilizing Voting Areas

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