
School Dress Code

We expect our students to dress comfortably and sensibly in clothing that allows them to participate in P.E. activities and play during recess. Students are expected to follow the guidelines below:

  • Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Students must wear socks and closed-toe, full-heel shoes, suitable for P.E. Activities. Flip-flops, sandals, high heels, and slides DO NOT allow students to participate fully in all school activities without the possibility of injury.
  • Formal “dress up” clothing, swim/beachwear, short shorts, “muscle” shirts, and tube/halter tops are not appropriate for school.
  • Clothing associated with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, violence, obscenity, or gangs is not permissible. Logos with inappropriate double meanings and affiliated with messages which violate school policy are prohibited. Prohibited brands and logos include, but are not limited to: SKIN, Metal Mulisha, iron crosses, Seedless, KMK.
  • Pants must fit appropriately and worn at the waist.
  • Exposed underwear, pajamas, cropped tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, and short shorts are not allowed. Shoulders on sleeveless tops must be 2 inches in width.
  • Hats and hoods may be worn outside for sun protection only. Hair should not be a distraction. Hair may not be sprayed, dyed, or painted any unnatural colors. Temporary dyes cause damage to books and materials. Mohawks are not allowed.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our Riverview students is very important to us. For the protection of your own child, as well as other classmates, it is best to keep your child home if there is evidence of any of the following:

  • Fever – until fever free without medication for 24 hours
  • Inflamed, red or draining eye(s)
  • Swollen glands or stiff neck
  • Headache, earache or toothache
  • Upset stomach with vomiting or diarrhea (free of both for 24 hours)
  • Undiagnosed rash
  • A cold if persistent coughing, fever or other symptoms are present

Please notify the school when your child is absent. Attendance line (619) 390-2662 (x436); Health office (619) 390-2662 (x 402).

If your child is absent for only one day you may send a note upon his/her return with the following information:

  • Students first and last name
  • Date of absence
  • Reason for absence
  • Teacher’s last name
  • Parent/guardian signature

Absences that are not verified by the school become unexcused. Three or more unexcused absences or 3 or more tardies more than 30 minutes over the course of the school year are considered a truancy.


  1. Talk to your child’s doctor about making a medicine schedule so that your child does not have to take medicine while at school.
  2. If your child is regularly taking medicine for an ongoing health problem, even if he or she only takes the medicine at home, give a written note to the health clerk at the beginning of each school year. You must list the medicine being taken, the current amount taken, and the name of the doctor who prescribed it (EC Section 49480).  
  3. If your child must take medicine while at school, provide a physician’s statement from your child’s doctor or other health care provider, who is licensed to practice in California. Provide new, updated notes at the beginning of each school year and whenever there is any change in the medicine, instructions, or doctor (EC Section 49423). 
  4. As parent or guardian, you must supply the school with all medicine your child must take during the school day. You or another adult must deliver the medicine to school, except medicine your child is authorized to carry and take by him or herself. 
  5. All controlled medicine, like Ritalin, must be counted and recorded on a medicine log when delivered to the school. You or another adult who delivered the medicine should verify the count by signing the log. 
  6. Each medicine your child must be given at school must be in a separate container labeled by a pharmacist licensed in the United States. The container must list your child’s name, doctor’s name, name of the medicine, and instructions for when to take the medicine and how much to take.
  7. Pick up all discontinued, outdated, and/or unused medicine before the end of the school year.

Dental Requirements

The State of California requires all Kindergartners and 1st grade students who are attending a California public school for the first time to have the Oral Health Assessment/Waiver Request Form on file by May 31. Take the attached form to your California dental professional to fill out and date. Return the form to school as soon as possible (no later than May 31st ). If you are having difficulty getting this done, please call the school. We will be glad to assist you in finding a dentist or help in filling out the form.


California law requires children to be immunized. Immunization records need to be on file in the office by the first day of school. Children are only exempt from immunization requirements if the parents submit a statement from a physician indicating that immunization is not considered safe for the child. An exemption may be temporary or permanent and may be for specific vaccines or all vaccines.

All children who enter a California public or private elementary or secondary school for the first time or transfer between schools must present a written immunization record that includes at least the month and year of receipt of each dose of required vaccines (or an exemption to the immunization requirements). Otherwise, the child will not be allowed to attend school.

To meet California’s school entry requirements, children entering kindergarten will need a total of five DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) immunizations; four polio immunizations; two MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) immunizations; three hepatitis B immunizations; and one varicella (chicken pox) immunization. All students from out of state must show proof of varicella immunization.

Riverview Campus, 2-5

  • Our Campus Offers our 2nd – 5th Grade Students a Rigorous Core Curriculum Taught by our Extremely Dedicated, Highly Qualified, Native-Speaking Spanish, Mandarin and English Teaching Staff
  • Our Students are High-Achieving Students, Both in Terms of their Language Acquisition and in Terms of their Academic Success Learning Rigorous Content while Using Three Languages
  • Our Immersion Models are Unique in the World with Students Receiving Instruction in Three Languages with the Target being to Reach Proficiency in Two Languages, and to Achieve an Enrichment Level of Acquisition of a Third Language
  • Teaching students in Three Languages, Spanish, Mandarin and English, Stimulates a Different Part of the Brain and Provides Students the Neural Capacity to Learn Character-Based and Tonal Languages as well as Alphabet-Based Languages
  • In the 21st century, We Consider Technology a Fourth Language and Our Students use Different Forms of Technology and Multi-Media starting in Kindergarten
  • State-of-art Technology Curriculum Practices are Further Enhanced through a Variety of Clubs and Activities Offered as Part of an Extensive After-School Program
  • Our Leadership Program Focuses on Developing Global Leadership Skills in every Child through Character Education Programs
  • Students take on Numerous Leadership Roles and are Celebrated for Demonstrating Skills Inspired by School-Wide Leadership Opportunities

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