School Rules
At Lakeside Farms, we strive to provide a safe and fair school for our students. The rules and policies listed below are designed to promote a positive learning environment. We encourage our families to be Safe, Responsible, and Respectful. If you have any questions or concerns, please see our office staff.
Before School
Students may arrive on campus at 8:30 am. Students are to report directly to the Lunch Tables where supervision is provided. At 8:45 am, students will be released to the big playground. During this time, students may hang up their backpacks by their classroom and either line up in their designated lines or walk/run around the track until the school bell rings. (This is a great time for students to participate in the Running Club.)
Supervision is provided for Kindergarten students after 8:40 am, on the Kindergarten playground. Only Kindergarten students are allowed to stay on the Kindergarten playground (Unless a student is in a K/1 combo class).
During School
- Students will walk in the hallways and on the blacktop.
- No toys, games, electronic devices or balls should be brought from home.
- Appropriate language is to be used at school. Put downs, swearing, or bullying are not permitted.
- Students will pick up their own trash.
- Students will stay in designated areas at all times.
- Cell phone use is not permitted during school hours. Cell phones seen during the day will be confiscated.
- Gum chewing is not permitted on campus.
After School
Students are to report to their designated areas.
- Kindergarten students are released from the Kindergarten playground.
- 1st – 4th Grade students are released from the Lunch Tables.
- 5th Grade Students are released from the Kindergarten playground.
School Dress Code
- Hats are to be worn outside only.
- Clothing should be school appropriate and may not contain inappropriate language or logos that may be offensive to others.
- Spaghetti straps, bare midriff, bare back and short shorts are not permitted.
- Undergarments should not be visible.
- Shoes must have a back strap and be closed-toed to allow for full participation in PE and recess. No flip flops are permitted.
- No cleats, sliding shoes or rolling shoes are permitted.
- Hair should be school appropriate. Spiked mohawks, non-natural coloring or extreme spiking of hair are strongly discouraged.
- Makeup should not be worn to elementary school.