
Dress Code

  1. Hats are to be worn outside only.
  2. Clothing should be school appropriate- no inappropriate logos or language are permitted.
  3. Spaghetti straps, bare midriff or back, and short shorts are not permitted.
  4. Underwear should never be visible.
  5. Shoes should have a back strap and be close-toed to allow for full participation in PE and recess. No flip-flops.
  6. No rolling or sliding shoes  or cleats are permitted.
  7. Hair should be school appropriate.  No spiked mohawks, non-natural coloring or extreme spiking of hair is allowed.
  8. Makeup should not be worn to elementary school.

Home of the Roadrunners

  • Our Spanish Immersion Program Provides a Solid Foundation on the Path to Biliteracy, from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
  • Students Learn by Hands-On Exploration, Investigations, and Engineering Solutions to Real-World Problems
  • Through our Incredible Art Docent Program, Students are Exposed to an Array of Art Mediums
  • Students are Explicitly Taught School-Wide Behavior Expectations and are Rewarded for being Safe, Respectful and Responsible

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